
The ethiopia conflict not just another international news item

A humanitarian source in tigray said shelling and shooting had been heard in the area since the early hours of thursday, and nearly two dozen soldiers had been treated at a clinic near the border with the amhara region. The source did not say which side of the conflict the injured troops were drawn from. The american-ethiopian public affairs committee is dedicated to promoting a positive relationship between the united states and ethiopia.

Aepac a political action committee , legally registered organization in the united statesis governed and regulated under the us federal government election laws and the federal election commission . Participating civic and advocacy organizations from the us, canada, and europe, in cooperation with aepac leaders, established an international ad hoc working committee. The ad hoc committee and aepac will work on fundraising, public relations, and outreach activities towards identifying and acquiring a reputable public relations and lobbying firm to advance and protect ethiopia’s strategic interests.

Thousands of asylum seekers have already fled to neighboring countries, such as sudan, which may preempt a devasting refugee and humanitarian crisis in the region. — ahmed was sworn in for a new term as prime minister earlier this week, which came days after his administration expelled seven united nations aid workers in charge of humanitarian relief in tigray. Un secretary general antónio guterres subsequently warned that the country is facing an “immense humanitarian crisis that demands immediate attention” and called for unfettered access to the tigray region.

Ambassador of ethiopia to the u.S., fitsum arega has today announced establishment of the american-ethiopia public affairs committee .Tigris  A successful business man with over 28 years of experience, who also serves as a community organizer. He has been past president of ethiopian community association of greater philadelphia area and the mayor’s commission for african & caribbean immigrants’ affairs. An industry veteran whose main focus has always been developing innovative approaches that improve patient health outcomes while reducing total cost of care. Aepac leadership consists of aepac board of directors and officers elected in accordance with aepac bylaw.

Only now – almost a year into their aggressive campaign – are we starting to hear calls to stop their crusade. Last month, the u.S. Demanded the tplf withdraw its forces immediately from the amhara and afar regions. The constitution the tplf put in place in 1995 further fuelled ethnic segregation and conflict in ethiopia. They committed mass human rights abuses during their almost 30-year authoritative rule as documented by human rights watch, amnesty international and the state department’s annual reports on human rights.